So, enhancing the bowel flora with the best types of probiotics brands favours improved cellular function through the entire body, with vitamin production and immune stimulation, plus there is thought to be significant protection against inflammatory bowel disease symptoms, cancerous changes and against high blood cholesterol. Few people realize, apart from holistic practitioners and the suppliers of probiotics brands, just how decisive this issue can be. By purposely altering the bacterial population by introducing probiotics - side affects can only be positive as a lot of bad health conditions could possibly be reversed or prevented. The process involved is basically nutritional because the bacteria affect you by determining, to quite a large degree, what substances you absorb directly into the blood stream from the bowel. Food, nutrients and lifestyle are involved in obtaining the bowel conditions right. Good care of the bowel flora is therefore one aspect of an overall nutritional programme that offers health advantages.
Naturopathic practitioners have long claimed that the origins of chronic illness are centred upon the bowel, or colon. The chronic bowel was one afflicted by a population of organisms of the wrong kind and prone to bulging, with relative stasis of its contents. This sort of bowel is seen as contributing a relentless stream of toxic material into the system. Naturopaths insist that bowel problems of this kind are widespread, afflicting great swathes of the population. Today a majority of individuals that present themselves at clinics with a bad bowel condition have a history of heavy antibiotic use, or, as many alternative practitioners would say, "antibiotic abuse". It is recognized that a lot of antibiotic medications destroy the favourable Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria of the bowel, leaving a chance for other species to proliferate and replace them. Antibiotic use is very widespread indeed nowadays, these drugs frequently being used in a cavalier manner and without due consideration to the long-term consequences. Certainly we should try to reinstate the original flora after antibiotic use. For this purpose cultures of live lactose fermenting bowel organisms or probiotics, are necessary.
There is much scientific research to suggest that you should be trying to find probiotics brands that incorporate both the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria organisms.
Additionally there is evidence for the significance of specific strains of these organisms being present with an ideal blend of the following:
* L acidophilus
* L rhamnosus
* Lactococcus lactis
* B bifidum
* B breve
* B longum
(L = Lactobacilli B = Bifidobacteria)