Thursday, 31 March 2011

Issues to Look Up When Analyzing Air Purifiers

In case you've figured out that a purifier might help your health, it's ideal for you to know how to shop for one. Every company will try to convince you that their company has the best product for you, however it is certainly a good idea to do some research and be able to to sift through all of the marketing claims and half-truths. You can surely find more than a few effective air purifiers on the market, unfortunately many are a waste of money. Now I want to explain a few things to recognize when you go on your quest for the right air cleaner.

It is crucial to seek a solution to the worries you are looking to solve or prevent by using an air purifier. It maybe that you suffer from relentless allergy symptoms, or perhaps your pets are smelling up your house, or maybe that you bought a new home and have learned about the releasing of gaseous toxins from paints and flooring. Each of these air quality problems deals with a very particular aspect of air quality and thus requires a specific type of cleaning methodology to fix it.

For allergies, it is going to be a great idea to get an unit that uses a real HEPA filter as opposed to a HEPA type filter or any other variety of filtering. Only a HEPA filter has been able to effectively trap the tiniest particles from the air in your living space. If you are trying to cope with offensive smells and are hoping to eliminate them, an air cleaner with some activated carbon is what you want consider a purifier that has an activated carbon filtration. Additionally, you should be conscious that more than a few air purifier companies include only a very tiny amount of activated carbon so that they can claim it as a benefit of the unit. Some of the top models have quite a bit of activated carbon and are going to be very effective at removing odors from the air. For toxins put off inside your home or office because of the offgassing of furniture, paint and carpeting, regular filtration may help some, but you should consider looking for an air cleaner that provides some type of plasma technology. These release hydroxl radicals into the air which neutralize harmful compounds.

A couple other things to remember are your price point and the sq. feet of space that you are trying to clean. You will surely find purifiers that reach the whole spectrum so try to read up on the various options. Look at some of the reviews and find out what users say about them and I am sure that you can come across the air purifier that will help the air health in your home or office for a long time. Take a look at the author's website for many comprehensive reviews.