Any physical therapist will tell you that patient education is an essential part of physical therapy. The education includes how to improve points in your body which exemplify weakness to prevent pain and injury in the future, maintain flexibility and muscle mass, practice a healthy diet, and much more. So if you pay a visit to a physical therapist here are some basic tips they will provide on how to stay healthy before they go into a detailed treatment plan with you.
Physical Therapy Evaluation
A physical therapist will recommend a complete evaluation so he/she can devise a treatment plan that will teach you how to stay healthy. The evaluation includes a complete review of your physical capabilities including extremity range of motion, spinal range of motion, cardiovascular and pulmonary, neurological function, assessment of your daily living activities, and much more. The physical therapist will then go through your health concerns with you in detail and then compile a plan to help you stay healthy.
General Recommendations for How to Stay Healthy
In addition to discussing your evaluation and treatment plan with you in detail, your physical therapist will also make the following general recommendations for how to stay healthy:
• Water: Water flushes all of the toxins out of your system. A physical therapist will recommend that you sip on water throughout the entire day as opposed to taking it in all at once. This will help to keep your cells hydrated and your system free of toxin build up. If you wait until you are thirsty to drink water then you have waited too long.
• Stretching and Exercise: It is very important to do stretching exercises on a daily basis to maintain mobility and flexibility. It also helps to prevent injury when you engage in exercise. You should stretch your hamstrings, chest muscles, and shoulders to maintain good posture and then exercise on a daily basis doing something you enjoy such as walking, riding your bike, or doing the gardening. Whatever it is make sure you engage in movement every day.
• Eat Breakfast: You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that is because it really is. In order to get a jumpstart on your day eat a breakfast that is high in protein with a ratio of 4 to 1 carbohydrates and protein. Avoid cereals that are high in sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
• Balance Your Diet: In addition to eating breakfast make sure you practice a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Avoid processed foods because they contribute to the build up of toxins in your body and basically lower your energy level. Instead, stick with fresh produce and natural foods and eliminate caffeine and alcohol as well as fast foods that are high in saturated fat. If you smoke, consider kicking the habit.
• Stay Mentally Active: Just like your body needs exercise so does your brain. Make sure you stay mentally active by reading a lot, doing puzzles, engaging in social activities, keeping up with your hobbies, and any other activities you enjoy which will provide you with mental exercise.
These are some of the basic tips a physical therapist will provide on how to stay healthy. It is also necessary to visit your physical therapist regularly so they can help you stay on top of what is happening with your health and your body. Physical therapists can also guide you and keep you on course with a daily health regimen to maintain overall health and wellness.
About Carol Lane:
Carol Lane has been a health-and-wellness expert for over 18 years.
Lane served as a physical therapist in the Army for four years, ensuring the men and women fighting for our freedom remained fit and well. Lane has also spent seven years working in various rehab facilities and home health agencies helping children and adults take care of themselves.
In 1998, Lane established her own practice, Results Physical Therapy. Results initially specialized in older adult exercise programs and manual therapy, and then expanded to preventive care for adults of all ages, which allows patients to handle problems before they become serious as well as maintaining the health they have. In 2006, she expanded her practice to the Greater Bangor and Dexter areas in Maine.